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Wanna know how much money you can save by switching to CampaignHQ? Let's find out!

How many subscribers do you have?
When someone opts in to get your emails, they become a subscriber.
How many total emails do you send in a month?
When you send a message to one of your subscribers, that's what we call an email.


per month, cancel any time
$0.00 for CampaignHQ
$0.00 in AWS fees
Start for free
Email Octopus Connect
$0.00 per month
$0.0 per month
$0.0 per month
Campaign Monitor
$0.0 per month
$0.0 per month
Constant Contact
$0.0 per month
$0.0 per month

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Looking for unlimited subscribers plan or 1 time payment plan? We got you covered!

Dive into success today!Get started with our 7 days free trial

Send emails and whatsapp messages to your customers with ease and at a fraction of the cost.

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